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I'm Samuela.



PHONE | 407.520.7628

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it's okay if you don't pronounce it right at first, most people don't

Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to my portfolio. Feel free to explore and make yourself comfortable. A little bit about me,  I'm a  proud first-generation Haitian American. My upbringing has played a significant role in shaping my passion for design. From a young age, I discovered my innate gift of creativity and curiosity, which ignited my love for people and design.

I enjoy the process of gathering consumer insights. Unpacking the psychology behind crafting impactful designs. I believe that understanding the user experience and harnessing the power of technology are crucial elements in creating exceptional designs. The fusion of these two realms fuels my passion for design.

My ultimate motivation lies in using technology and design to advance our culture. I am driven by the desire to contribute to our society's progress through innovative solutions. Collaborating with other forward-thinking people is a vital part of my life; it allows our minds to intermingle, inspiring us to create something meaningful and impactful for the betterment of our future.

If what you see here sparks your interest and resonates with you, I encourage you to reach out to me! Let's connect and collaborate on projects that push boundaries, shape experiences, and make a positive impact. Together, we can create a brighter and more innovative tomorrow.

Beyond My Career: Unveiling the Person Behind the Professional

  • Culture & History 🌏🤎🏞 As someone of Haitian descent, my fascination with unraveling the history of my people has always been a driving force in shaping my identity. This curiosity extends beyond my own heritage, as I find immense joy in exploring diverse cultures and immersing myself in their vibrant traditions.

  • Gaming 🎮 When it's time to unwind, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming alongside friends on Discord. Currently conquering virtual realms in Animal Crossing, Rakuen, and Lakeburg, the fun never stops!

  • Fashion 🛍️✨For me, fashion isn't just about clothing—it's a powerful tool to express my multifaceted self. It's my creative outlet, allowing me to showcase different aspects of my personality in the most stylish and authentic way.

  • Mixing Music 🎛️🎧 Immersed in a world of YouTube tutorials, I'm self-teaching the art of DJing. Inspired by incredible women DJs, I turned my wish into action, embracing the decks and unleashing my passion for music! Let the beats drop!

High Museum '21

Betline walks and reading '20

Friends & family trip to Colorodo '22

Me and my pup Elleven '22

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